Well, it is time to end your study of the Vietnam War. This assignment specifically covers the Paris Peace Accords, Fall of Saigon, & Operation Babylift. The Vietnam experience continues to haunt many Americans. It influences the way I feel about the current operation in Iraq and Afganastan.
For this last installment, you are of Vietnamese ancestory and you were two years old when you became a part of Operation Babylift. You have finally decided to learn why you were sent from Vietnam by an unknown mother to the United States. For the time being, there does not seem to be any way to find your mother.
However, you decide to write a letter to this unknown mother expressing your feelings about being part of Operation Babylift. While this letter will never be mailed, it lets you release some of the pent up feelings that you have stored within you. You must address the essential question and educational objectives in your letter.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION - Why does the United States fail to win the Vietnam War?
Educational Objectives
1. You will be able to describe the Paris Peace Accords.
2. You can describe the conditions during the fall of Saigon.
3. You can explain Operation Babylift and why it happened.
1. Use the PBS timeline on Vietnam. Read about the events which happen in 1973, 1974, and 1975. Be sure to read about cease-fire agreement in 1973.
2. Read the following EXCERPTS from the Paris Peace Accords.
3. Read the PORTION from Spartacus Educational which concerns the end of the Vietnam War.
5. Fall of Saigon.
Use this source to learn about the fall of Saigon.