SPECIAL NOTE:  Any handwritten notes you take while reading these books may be used on the test on the first day of school.
There are two summer reading assignments for the next school year.  This year there are  three (3) potential choices.  One is required, but you will have your choice of one of the remaining two books.  Each of the these books deals with some of the themes we will be following in AP. 
1 - Harriett Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.  This is the required reading.  The book can be found online at the link below.  Also, I will burn you a copy if you ask me to do so.  Also,  the ASU library has one copy of the book.  I have some copies of the book which can be checked out from me.  However, I have a time limit of two (2) weeks.
2 - Upton Sinclair, The Jungle.  This book is highly recommended.  However, it is not an easy read.  There is a set of these books and you check one out from Mrs. Kesselring.

3 - Jack Kerouac,  On the Road.  This is the most impotant book from the Beat Generation authors.


4.   Finally, if you are also taking AP English with Mrs. Brown you may choose one of books on her summer reading list instead of 2 or 3.
Use the following site to find the first two books listed.  ONLINE BOOK PAGE
You will need either wordpad or explorer to read the books.  These programs are usually on most computers.  Contact me if you have problems.
I am looking forward to the next year and hope you are too.

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