INSTRUCTIONS: You are to write two questions of the type indicated.   Please be inventive.  Each question is worth up to 5 points except for the last question.  The last question is 10 points.


1. Write two "Who" questions. Example: Who is George Washington?










2. Write two "What" questions. Example: What is a buzz bomb?










3. Write two "Where" questions. Example: Where was the Battle of Roark's Rift fought?










4. Write two "Why" questions. Example: Why was De Soto buried in the Mississippi River?










5. Write two "Surprise" questions. Example: Were you surprised that John Wilkes Booth killed Abraham Lincoln?










6. Write two "would you have done the same thing" questions. Example: If you had been the same situation as Oscar Schindler, would you have bought his workers?










7. Write one question that you feel would be a good discussion question for the Inner Circle.




Remember it is important to participate in the discussion in order to earn points.